Thursday, June 28, 2007

Toll Bridge

This would never happen on the Toll bridge. The traffic is a always chock a block an you be lucky to get into 3 rd Gear most days

Galway Salthill Airshow

Last weekend headed to Salthill in Galway for the largest free Airshow in Europe. On the day they had aircraft from the Irish Army, Irish Air Corp, RAF and the American Air Force. I have been attending this show for the last few years and have always enjoyed it. This year the weather was miserable one minute the sun was splitting the trees and then it was freezing wind and heavy rain showers.
In the park there was a static display of RAF Sea King and Merlin Helicopters, in the car park along the seafront the Irish Army was displaying various vehicles, weapons and other hardware that they use.
The airshow even with the weather so bad went ahead with a display from RAF Typhoon jet, Aer Arrann new plane and the and air display team The Blades. The "headline" act if you can call them that was teh Thunderbirds, they put on a great show but I felt they weren't as good as The Red Arrows from previous years, this may have been down to theh low cloud cover and restrictions. the female ground crew for the Thunderbirds were nice to look at though.
The show past off well until the very end of teh show when an emergency door fell of the RAF Merlin helicopter when it was taken off. Lucky only three peolp ere hurt and release from hospital the next day.

More Salthill Airshow photos here

26/6/2007 Aerosmith

Aerosmith played Marley Park Dublin this week. They last played here 10 years ago and I never got a ticket for it. Waited 10 years to see them and was pretty excited.

We got to the gig just before Aerosmith took the stage and they opened up with "Love in an Elevator" and "Same old song and Dance" Steven Tyler voice was in great form but I thought that the over all sound was a bit low in volume. I also felt that even though the band sounded great there was no real connection or atmosphere with the crowd. Sang a great version of "Dream On" though.

As Eamon Dunphy might say "It was a good gig but not a great gig"

More Aerosmith Photos HERE

Set List

Same Old Song
Eat The Rich
Miss A Thing
Baby Please
Dream On
Stop Messin
Sweet Emotion
Draw The Line

Walk This Way